Friday, April 24, 2015

It's Not ALL Fun and Games!

We've been VERY busy around here......

working on drawings for an embroidery project.....

about a farm and the people who live there.

And making blocks for a Baltimore quilt with bunnies....

and Bouquets.....

and Birds.....

and more Bouquets....

I was just getting busy with the sketches for a Shepherd and.....

his Better Half.....

with their Chickens.....

ooops....and another Bunny.....

in an Orchard......

when I had a visitor. Hi Katrina. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Need help?"

"Nice stuff!"

"I love these little shapes." (I make templates when I'm drawing applique' blocks so repetition doesn't get too repetitious. Katrina found them!)

"That looks like a blossum." 

Yes, dear, that's what it is.


"You'll need a lot of those."

Yes, I will.

(Meanwhile, Katrina's lovely derriere is lying on my project, the Shepherd and his sheep)

"Oh! More shapes!" (As she drags them across my drawing.)

"Yes, these are very nice. They look like Flowers."

Yes, Katrina, that's what they are.

"And this is the Shepherd?"

Well, part of the Shepherd, if he ever survives.

"He's kind of messy."

Pencil sketches tend to be a little messy.

"Is this your pencil?"


"I think I could draw a picture.....if I....

could just get a hold of this. Hey. It tastes like......feh......graphite!"

Yes, dear.

"So this is what you've been doing all day?"

Yes, dear.

"It's nice and roomy up here."

(At least she abandoned the pencil.)

"Good place for a bath."

"Sorry, got some litter on this one."


"Yup, this is a good bath."

I'm glad you like it.


(Look! She's abandoning me.)


(Hooray. The drawing's still intact. Only a few stray strands of fur....and, oh dear......some litter.)

"That was fun. Let me know when you need more help with the creative process."

(Sure thing.)


Welcome to Prairie Cottage Corner. Please come in and stay a while. We are here to help you with your love of quilting, quilt design and embroidery. We especially like Sunbonnet Sue and her friends.

You can see a complete list of our Sunbonnet Sue designs at

Happy Stitching! Prairie Stitcher