Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Quilter's Tea - To Raise $ for Donation Quilts

Odessa Quilt Club's "Quilter's Tea"

Each year we need to raise money to buy batting for our donation quilts. Last time, our Quilter's Tea raised enough for an enormous roll of the important stuff (or stuffing).

We held it in our meeting room last time and it was so popular, we were bursting at the seams. So, this year, we opted to rent the local meeting venue, Any Occasion, on Odessa's main street across from our lovely quilt shop.

Here you can see the lovely main, big, room. We set up about 12 tables and marked them alphabetically from A to L. Each of us brought a UFO or a book, or fabric, or a pattern, or notion to donate, with a cup for each item. Each item was marked numerically as it came in with a number on the item and one on the cup.

We started at about 9:30 AM and quit about 3 PM. There were over 200 items raffled off during the day with drawings each hour or so.

Here you can see some of the items on Table D: some fabric, a pattern and a notion or two.  Each visitor bought tickets (25 cents each or 5 for a dollar). I bought more than $15 worth of tickets, not that I needed a lot of new stuff (new to me) but because I wanted to make that contribution to our guild.

After we  bought our tickets, we put our names and phone numbers on them and walked around to look at the offerings. Here are some nice books and patterns.

When we found something we liked, we put one of our tickets in the cup corresponding to the item. Sometimes, if we REALLY liked something and wanted it, we stuffed the cup with our tickets.

See that lovely block roller in the center of the picture? I won that. Our guild president made it to carry applique' blocks in while working on them. It holds quite a few blocks, keeping them clean and wrinkle-free, while you work on them. I REALLY wanted that and I was lucky enough to win it.

Table-by-table, quilt guild officers, drew names from the cups, almost hourly. Throughout the day,  lots of quilters moseyed through, looking for that special something they could not do without. The place had a busy buzz going all through the activity.

Any Occasion venue has a nice setup with a table and bar for drinks and such. We set it up with coffee and hot water (for tea, cider, cocoa) and bottled water, too. Guild members baked cookies to serve. All the food and drinks were free.

Some of us ordered in lunch and some went out for lunch. There were comfortable chairs and tables and lots of chatting going on. It was very pleasant.

 There was something for everyone. 

It took a little contemplation to see the possibilities......

.....and there were a lot of possibilities.....see that little old sewing basket on the right? I won that! So, now I have a block carrier and a sewing basket to carry around. I'm set!

......how many of these projects can one finish in a year?

A great time was had by all, I think.

Next month:  Quilt 'Til You Wilt!


  1. My old guild in California used to do that. It's a great way to offload some excess, purchase "new" at a great price, and help raise money for charity. Nothing better than a group of quilting friends gathering.

    1. Isn't that the truth? The smiles, the happy "buzz" in the room. Greetings, airings, good food and all those possibilities. That's a gathering of stitchers. Thank you for stopping by. Next month, we will Quilt 'Til You Wilt. That'll be when we put together some of those donation quilt tops.

  2. What a fun time and a great way to make money for the guild. Wish I had known about it - it would have been fun to attend, well if it was open to anyone. I'm going to get up your way this spring and see your shop!! Hugs.

  3. Wow - that looks like it was a lot of fun! You'll have to let me know what the date is for next year and we'll try to come!

    1. The more the merrier! It was a very snowy day but quilters came from miles around. All are welcome. We are looking forward to doing this again next year. I don't have the count on the total donations yet, but they must be enough for a big roll of good batting for the quilts. Most of our quilts go to Angel Flight, a flying service for medical patients needing treatment west of the Cascades. It's cold up there so each patient gets a quilt to wrap up in. The reactions of these special people to their gifts of quilts are heart warming and touching. They make quilting for them a real blessing to us.

  4. Looks like a great time! What a wonderful idea and fun!! Everyone wins!!!


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You can see a complete list of our Sunbonnet Sue designs at

Happy Stitching! Prairie Stitcher