Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Before and After....

Well, Christmas has happened. Just a few days ago, we finished another jigsaw puzzle. You'd think we had time on our hands, but, the truth is, it's a way to bring us together. And it works. This one was just 500 pieces (with one piece missing!). We got this one years ago and never did do it until now. It must be about 25 years old. It was fun!

Not many Christmas cards, these days. Lots of e-cards, though. We especially enjoyed the Jacquie Larsen Advent Calendar. I think this is the third one we've had.

I think I must have sent out about 15 Christmas cards by mail and dozens by email. If we ever lose power for any length of time around Christmas, those e-cards will be in danger of not arriving.

We had snow in our hearts, if not on the ground outside. Just a few patches remain from some a week or so ago. It was nice and cold, though, Christmas Day.....about 21 degrees F.

I made this bell about thirty years ago in our Relief Society homemaking meeting at church. I've meant, over the years, to make more of them for gifts. This one has been great as a doorknob hanger.

The angel was in place.....

.....the ornaments pristeen.....

....presents under the tree....aren't we lucky?

I think Santa left his hat behind!

Norman got a large, catnip, rat for Christmas. Does a rat equate with coal? Norman didn't think so. Hey, Normie, don't let that rat's tail burn up!

And Bodecia got a blue, frenetic mouse on a tether, on a blue stick, with a feather tail. You can see it in the upper left corner of the shot. But, just like a toddler, she's more interested in the paper!

What's next? The New Year, of course. We hope yours is joyful, safe and warm! See ya.......


  1. love your ' let it snow' thanks so much for letting me win.

    1. Hi Barbara: You're welcome for the pattern. We love to make people happy around here. Happy New Year! Kathie & Family & Staff...

    2. We had a nice, quiet Christmas and some nice gifts. Gift cards seem popular, which I like. We've been cold here, Willamette valley of Oregon, no snow! I like the puzzle. Thanks for sharing your day! Happy New Year! God bless!

  2. What a lovely Christmas, Kathie! Even the kitties had a visit from Santa! Do you think Norman is trying to warm up his Christmas rat? (wink)!

  3. My email is id you need to send the pattern to me


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