Monday, April 1, 2013

Look What the Easter Bunny Brought

A Deviled Egg Plate

with bunny salt and pepper shakers from Grasslands Road!  Isn't that the sweetest thing you ever saw?  Honestly, I'm not a collector, but I like pretty serving dishes.  This one caught my eye in the pharmacy gift shop last month and I mentioned it to Mr. Easter Bunny (my hero).  Lo and behold, it appeared in a pretty box just before Easter.  Mr. Easter Bunny blushed.  Mrs. Easter Bunny (me) wept...a little...if bunnies CAN weep, a little.  Sometimes life is just really pleasant.

I hope you all had a pleasant Easter holiday and, if your children are out on spring break this week, that your families will have great times together.  We are getting the garden ready to plant.  I promised pictures last year and never got them done, so will make up for that this time around.

Happy (Hoppy) Spring, Dear Friends!


  1. Ooooo.. Mr. Easter Bunny is a hero. The plate is so adorable!

    1. Received your sweet card today. Thank you for the thank you. Yes, Mrs. Easter Bunny swooned.

  2. Oh, I love that Easter egg platter too! Tell "him" he did good! And the bunnies are adorable!


  3. Love that egg platter! What a wonderful gift!

  4. Okay. I TOLD him he did GOOD. If an Easter Bunny can grin, he grinned....and blushed, again. Thanks, Gert, for coming by.


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