Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blog Hopping - Red, White and Blue Blog Hop

I hope you are all doing the Red, White and Blue Blog Hop.  I'm a hopper, this time but hope to be a participant blogger on one of these hops, soon.  I've seen some beautiful blocks and quilts.  Hop on over to  Crafty Sewing & Quilting and get on the hop.  The full list is right there and there are lots of give-aways.  It's a great way to meet new friends and find new followers.  Here's my July Banner in the EQ version:

Today's my anniversary and my DH says I don't have to cook all day.  Hmmmm, I hope that doesn't mean this is a "fast day".  I'm hoping for a "feast day".  Funny how similar those two phrases are.  See you later.  Enjoy the "hop".


  1. Happy Anniversary! Hope you get a real "feast day." The hop has been fun, hasn't it!

    1. Gosh, I answered you once and it disappeared. Isn't technology wonderful? I often think of my high school typing teacher and how she despaired of my typing.....and wondered if we'd ever find a good use for all we were being taught! Little did she know! Anyway, thank you for the good wishes. We are having a very nice day. Don't know what is in store for dinner, though. It's a surprise, and that is always nice, from him. He likes to be mysterious. Keep on hopping.

  2. Happy Anniversary! I hope he has special plans for you. I'm loving the red white and blue hop!

    1. He likes to surprise me, so we'll see, won't we? Whatever it is, it will be special and fun. We've already had a pretty full day with gardening, breakfast out and a road trip. It think I could stand a pleasant surprise on top of all that.....

  3. Thank you for your kind comment on my RWB Blog Hop blocks.

    We are about five hours north of the border and some illegals pass through. Everybody up here is watchful. Our major problems are with drug dealers and meth labs. Police response is very slow. My son is in Yuma, south of us, 5 minutes from the border and it is a mess. Just like all the border towns.

    Your EQ block versions are sweet. Very nice. Happy Anniversary.

    1. Thanks, Catherine, for coming over. Stay safe. Is Prescott considered high desert? The blog hop is really fun. I'll be checking in with you from time to time to see how it goes.

  4. Your sunbonnet sue flag is beautiful! Happy Anniversary....Judith, Texas

    1. Thank you for the good wishes. We're having a good day today. Isn't that a cute Sue? She loves July as much as I do. It's one of my favorite months.

  5. Great block in EQ! Congrats on your anniversary!

    1. Thanks, Connie. I do like that block very much. It's simple and says it all for just a little thing. As you can see, I try to put a simple corner block in each banner. June's was a rosebud.

  6. Congratulations on your anniversary.....wonderful block. I am also a sbs person...take care and thanks for visiting me..

    1. Thanks, Sharon: Isn't SBS precious? I don't know exactly how many others are drawing her right now, but not many. I'm learning to draw her on EQ7, which is a whole new thing. You have to hold your tongue just right to get the lines to connect properly. Will we ever get off the learning curve with technology? Hopefully not....maybe we are holding back dementia with these PC's.

  7. Your sunbonnet sue block is beautiful! I love the red, white and blue theme.

    1. Thank you, Kim. I'm a quilter on a learning curve that started years ago. I keep learning new things. Between my DH, the computer and the quilt, how can life be boring? Hooray for the red, white and blue.

  8. I know I am a couple of days late, but I hope you had a wonderful anniversary. Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog. I didn't ask people to become followers because I thought if they liked my projects or thought I would be "their kind of person" they would join on their own. I have just joined your group of followers. I love your sunbonnet Sue block.

  9. Hi Linda: You're living in one of my favorite states. So beautiful. I hope you have lots of followers and visitors each day. Everyone should see your work. I'm really enjoying the blog hop and hope to participate more fully in another one soon. Thanks for coming by. I love comments.

  10. Hi Jennifer: Gosh, it was nice. Didn't have to cook all day; got to watch the first part of the second season of Downton Abbey (confession: We don't have tv here, as a matter of choice....just a dvd player and netflix from time-to-time). Dinner was Caesar Salad with shrimps (as Emeril says) and dessert was apple pie with a little ice cream. It was a lovely day, thank you. The kitties enjoyed the shrimp, too, although Bodecia did mutter something about tuna (her personal favorite). Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  11. Happy Anniversary, I hope you had a wonderful day ;) Your block is awesome,I love it! Sounds like you had a really nice dinner too !

  12. Hi Kate: Thanks for the good wishes. We did have a nice breakfast (I had a breakfast burrito, one of my favorites) and dinner (Caesar Salad and shrimps). And we had a nice little road trip. It was wonderfully relaxing and re-creational. I love to hear from you.


Welcome to Prairie Cottage Corner. Please come in and stay a while. We are here to help you with your love of quilting, quilt design and embroidery. We especially like Sunbonnet Sue and her friends.

You can see a complete list of our Sunbonnet Sue designs at

Happy Stitching! Prairie Stitcher