Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Resident Quilt Testers

Meet the official quilt testers.......

Norman, in a box of pumpkins a few years back.  I think he wanted to hatch them.

Bodecia, waiting for another quilt to test.


  1. Ah, they must be related to mine. The kitties who test felt!

  2. Norman and Bodecia, I've got a sweet pink quilt in New York waiting for you.

  3. "Meow," said Bodecia. "Arrouw," said Norman (he has a huskier voice). Translation: Thank you very much we're saving up for our train tickets, starting today. We'd fly, but are to ticklish to be frisked and have been told they don't have litter boxes on planes. Beside that, the food is better on the Empire Builder. End Translation.

  4. You have a wonderful blog. Love your ideas and crafts! Thanks for checking mine out. Norman must watch the chickens quite closely! hope the pumpkins hatch for him. Bodecia, what a great name!

  5. Love your cats. My beautiful kitties love to play on sheets fresh off the clothesline and they do love a cozy quilt. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Thank you for coming by. I've got some new stuff for the quilt testers which I'll show in the next few weeks. Norman just came in and asked where dinner was. I tried to explain he had another half hour to go! He's not happy. See, he's not fat, he's just very large boned. Seriously. We have to watch what he eats....more closely than even he watches it! It's too bad quilt testing isn't more aerobic! See you later,


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