Friday, June 22, 2012

Making Half and Quarter Square Triangles for a 

Patriotic 4th of July Quilt - "Founders' Truth"

I have a favorite block.  It's called the Ohio Star.  It's a great block for a beginner's quilt.  It's a block that says, "QUILT!" really loud.  What I mean to say is it's a block that lots of people recognize and see as a traditional quilt block.  

It's my favorite block for a patriotic quilt.  The Fourth of July is coming up, way too I'm getting in the mood for it.  We're planning to read the Declaration of Independence on that day, are you?  If you'd like a copy, go here.  If you decide to read it on the Fourth, will you tell about it on Facebook?  I am going to let the world know.  The world needs to know.  Here's some patriotic music to enjoy......

 I call this quilt "Founders Truth"
Place a red square on top of a blue or white square, according to your pattern.  Using a quarter-seam-allowance marking tool (below) mark a line from one corner to the opposite corner and the seam lines on each side.
Stitch on the two outside lines from edge to edge.

Cut the blocks apart on the center line.

Press the seam to one side.  Here you see some red and blue half square triangle blocks with some red and white, showing fronts and backs.

Now, place a red and white square on a red and blue square with the red half opposite a different color on the other square.  Pin and mark them from corner to corner to make quarter square triangles.

See what I mean about the red being opposite a different color?  Stitch on the outside lines as before.

Cut them apart on the center line.

Iron the seam open to minimize the bulk at the center of the block.

Voila!!!  You now have made four quarter square triangle blocks.  Trim off the little wings before going further.  Here's a facsimile of the finished quilt below.  I actually have the quilt top almost finished....just a few borders to add and would show it to you but my digital camera went bananas and wouldn't let me download the photos I have on there......

...but here's one corner of the quilt top from an old shot with the block complete....

"Founders Truth Quilt"

Happy Fourth of July!!

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